Born: April 20, 2010 at 9:52pm
Weight: 6lbs 13.8oz
Length: 20 inches
Miscellaneous Information: Born at exactly 37 weeks, water broke unexpectedly 2 hours before I was suppose to go in for an ultrasound appointment. Labor was a total of 12 hours, 3 of which was spent pushing. He was born face up and slightly turned, which explains the long time spent pushing. He developed pneumothorax which turned quickly into tension pneumothorax. He had to be put on oxygen and came very close to having a chest tube. He was life-flighted from the Homer hospital to the Providence hospital in Anchorage (5 hours away) where he was instantly put on an oxygen canula and placed under an oxygen tent where he was kept for the next 2 days of his life. He was able to be taken off the oxygen after a few days and appeared to be doing well. The tension pneumothorax resolved itself, he'll be stopping his antibiotics for a possible pneumonia Wednesday (April 28th) at 6pm, and if all continues to go well he should be able to come home Thursday.
UPDATE: We ran into a set back today (April 27th), he has been placed back onto oxygen to help relieve some possible apnea-like episodes that caused his oxygen levels to drop while in deep sleep. Hopefully all will be resolved soon - may your prayers continue to be with little Michael as he heals.
He is VERY VERY cute! Honestly I was expecting a blond boy, but he is super adorable with the dark hair! Looks like you, chubby cheeks, full lips... CUTE CUTE! Now why don't y'all get out of that Alaska place and come to TN! ...or send me some money for I can get a plane ticket to come see him and you two! :) We love ya!
Aww, he is beautiful!! Good job guys!
I think he is a stud, just like his cousin little chubs Carter. I can't wait to see him....if only we had the money to fly to Alaska!!! I'm with you Ash. Maybe we could do something to raise the money to fly out there. I've heard its a beautiful place...I'd love to visit! The downside would be having our babies on a 12 hour flight.
He is adorable! Congrats and I will be keeping your family in my prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear about his complications. I hope you guys are copeing well. He is beautiful. He looks like Chandler to me. I hope you'll be home soon. Love you!
He is adorable! Your sweet little family is in our prayers!!
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