Sunday, June 21, 2009

Time Flies!!!!

WOW it's been 2 months now since I last updated our blog... I figured I better post something new otherwise y'all might think Jay and I have completely disappeared. Here's just a quick outline of everything that's been happening since April.
1) Got a new cat, we named him Socrates. He's about 2 years old and so far he and Tom get along decently. He likes to mock-fight Tom and will come up behind him, wack him on the butt then jump back a few steps when Tom whirls around... it's pretty funny to watch. Though a few night ago Tom got real upset with Socrates and pushed him into a door box him in the face the whole time. (Don't think he's learned his lesson though since he still bugs Tom).
2) Still in school but we're now counting down the days until FREEEEDOM!!!!! (4 more weeks)
3) We were called, the VERY FIRST DAY in our new ward, to be nursery assistants. It's been a fun and interesting time. You know it's nursery time when you walk out of sacrament and start hearing kids crying lol

School is kicking out butts right now so there hasn't been much free time to do anything real relaxing so I guess that's really about all the update that I have for right now. Now.... on to a few pictures :-)

Note: My computer wouldn't let me post any new headings with my pictures so I figured I write a few quick notes about the last few. There's an Idaho Sunset that I like, and the rest are of Socrates (and yes that's the way he actually sleeps a large portion of the time--- silly kitty)

--- Love this picture of the Idaho Falls Temple
Jay and I were out roller blading and this guy and his girlfriend passed us biking... I just thought his "bicycle idea" was ingenious lol and just had to take a quick pic of him as he passed us

Some deer we saw in Provo behind Cody & Katie's apartment building