Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What a Coincidence

So I went to the bank to deposit Jay's first paycheck (YAY!)and it was pretty funny cause the girl that helped me saw the contractor's name on the check and asked how long Jay has been working for him. Come to find out her husband use to work for Jay's boss in the same company and acording to her it sounds like he's a really nice and easy going guy who is very willing to work with you if you're going through school or going on vactation etc. What's funny is not only did her husband work for the same guy but he's also going through the same construction management program at BYU-I that Jay is trying to get into and on top of all that.... the girl's name was Brittany, it was even spelled the same too. LOL how crazy is that

1 comment:

Don- Ash -Carter -Levi said...

Owwww Spooky! I think its a need to move to a different state. LoL