Monday, October 20, 2008


Help to all who know how to do this blogging buisnesss... I'm seem to be having great difficulty figuring out how to create a link to a new blog page that I want to create. Can anyone give me some instructions lol I tried creating a new blog but it just didn't seem to work out.


Smith1230 said...

by each section on the blog there is an icon that looks like a wrench tool. Click on that near the section with all the links. That will open a section where you can add a link to another blog. Hope that helps.

Don- Ash -Carter -Levi said...

You want to make "another" blog? When you are on your page look at the top right hand corner- it has your sign-in name,etc. and next to that it has a link called "dashboard" click that. It goes to your link of info. At the top right hand corner there is a little link for create blog. Follow directions from there :-D

.....whatcha going to make?

Mangum Life said...

A recipe exchange blog for family and friends :-)