Sunday, December 28, 2008

On the road again... Like a band of Gypsies we go down the highway

Yep we're still on the road and wishing it all to be over with so we can unpack and relax for once. It's been a LONG and TRYING process trying to get this move in order and we'll definitley be glad when it's all done. At this moment we're in Lawton, OK with Jay's parents spending a little bit of time with them. Tomorrow morning (early) we'll be heading down to Bloomfield, NM to spend the night at Jay's Aunts place then onward to Cedar City, UT were we'll be spending New Years (and a few days afterwards) with Jay's cousin Wes and his wife Emily. We were hoping to head straight up to Rexburg, ID as soon as New Years was over with but unfortunately our apartment wont be ready for us until Jan. 5th (sigh*)... Oh well at least we get to spend some time with family until then. Miss y'all!!!